Détartrer sa machine à café Nespresso Pixie

This page is a translated version of the page Descale your Nespresso Pixie machine and the translation is completed at 100 %. Contribute to the translation

Author avatarAlexiane Philip | Last edit 7/06/2019 by Alexiane under review

Step 1 - Allumez votre machine à café Pixie

Step 2 - Préparez votre machine Pixie

Avant de commencer, pensez à éjecter la capsule.

Videz le bac à capsules.

Videz également le bac récolte-gouttes.

Step 3 - Placez un récipient de 1L environ sous la sortie café

Step 4 - Remplissez le réservoir

Ajoutez dans le réservoir 500 mL d’eau.

Ajoutez ensuite le détartrant Nespresso.

Step 5 - Activate the descaling mode

To do that, wait until both buttons no longer blink.

Once both buttons no longer blink and remain on, press them simultaneously for 3 seconds.

The two buttons then start flashing more quickly: the descaling mode is activated.

Step 6 - First flow

Press the 'big cup' button to start.

Wait until the liquid flows into the container you have placed.

Once the flow is complete, refill the tank with the used mixture.

Step 7 - Second flow

Replace the container under the coffee outlet.

Repeat Step 4, letting the entire descaling solution flow as before.

Step 8 - Rince

Empty and rinse the water tank.

Step 9 - Third flow

Replace the water tank and fill it with clean water.

Place the container under the coffee outlet one last time.

Press the 'big cup' button to empty the tank of its contents.

Step 10 - Empty and rinse the drip tray

Step 11 - Put an end to the descaling mode

Simultaneously press both buttons for 3 seconds to exit the descaling mode.

Your Pixie coffee machine is ready to use.

